Monday, May 25, 2009

Please pray for Steve Byce's family

Dear Friends,

Our good friend, Paul Rennie was visiting from Florida. He arrived early in the wee hours of Saturday morning. He shared with us his concern for his best friend, Steve Byce who was in the hospital recovering in ICU from a lung biopsy. Chris and Paul talked with Steve Saturday night and he told Paul that he would probably have to leave the hospital with oxygen. He even said that he was looking forward to visiting with us here in Honduras in the future.
We spent time together praying for him that evening.
Sunday morning at worship, Chris asked our brothers and sisters here to pray also for Steve.
Sunday afternoon came and Paul received a call letting him know that Steve had passed away early that morning.
This was a shock to his wife and two teenage children. This was a shock to his best friend, Paul who was visiting us. And this has been a shock for our family.
Steve and Juliette had been over to our home when we were in Waldo. We didn't spend a lot of time with them and weren't very close to them but know that Steve and his family love the Lord. Steve has shared the prison ministry with Paul for many years.
Betsy, Paul's wife and Juliette are also best friends.
And to think now that Juliette has the burden of carring on without her dear husband is breaking my heart but I am praying that God's Holy Spirit will envelop her and give her the peace that passes all understanding. Please help us pray for her and their two children, Catherine and Micah.
God will be their Father now that He has called their dad home to Him.
In our carnal minds, we want to question and ask God why. "Why God, would you allow this tragedy to take place?
But as we step back and ponder the things of God, we realize we should be saying, "Thank you God for the blessing it has been to know our brother, Steve for the time he was here."
And thank you to Steve for the Godly example you gave us and I am sure that our Lord, Jesus Christ, said to Steve "Welcome, my good and faithful servant for a job well done. I have a crown for thee."

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