Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Urgent Prayer Requests

Please pray for Carlos.
He is brother to a very good friend of ours. He lives here in Honduras and is in the hospital. He needs immediate surgery. His intestines are blocked among other complications. His family does not have enough money for the operation. We are trying to help them. Please pray!

a friend of Chris' has an infection in his leg. The infection has traveled so far up his leg that amputation would no longer save him. He has been left to die without Christ. Please pray for his salvation (and healing--if God wills it). Chris and some of the kids are going with Jeremiah tonight to pray for him and to visit with him. We are hoping to post pictures of him and more information about him later this evening.

Thank you all, and may God bless you.


  1. I'll be prayin for God's will in this situation......God bless you guys

  2. hey i'll be this world is in such BIG need of God's touch.. if we are the body, now, more than ever, we need to live life by the Book!

  3. Obi has put it very well! He is such an intuitive young man and so in touch with God's design for our lives. So uplifting to find such a spirit filled young person in these times!!! Love you, Obi!!!!

    I too shall pray for both these gentlemen for healing of their souls.


Please leave us an encouraging word!