Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom!

We Love YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Dear Mommy!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!
>and many more!<
To Mom from her daughters:
~I Learned From You~
I learned about love from you,
Watching your caring ways.
I learned about joy from you
In fun-filled yesterdays.

From you I learned forgiving
Of faults both big and small.
I learned what I know about living
From you, as you gave life your all.

The example you set is still with me
I'd never want any other.
I'm thankful for all that you taught me,
And I'm blessed to call you "Mother."
~By Joanna Fuchs~
To Mom from Matthew:
~I’m Happy You’re My Mom~
I’m happy you’re my mom,
‘Cause you take good care of me.
You love me and you show it,
So I’m as happy as can be!

I love you very much,
And so I want to say,
Thank you for all you do,
And Have a Happy Birthday!
~By Joanna Fuchs---edited by the Rose kids~
To Mom from Hannah:
~Mommy, I Love You~
Mommy, I know you love me
By the way you show you care.
You hug me oh, so gently;
When I need you, you’re always there.

Mommy, I’ll love you always
From my heart, I want to say
I’m so glad you are my mommy;
Have a Happy Birthday Today!
~By Joanna Fuchs---edited by the Rose kids~


  1. Such a beautiful tribute to a wonderful loving mother. A Godly woman who is raising my grandchildren to know the ways of the Lord.
    I'm so blessed that you married my son.
    I love you, Char.

  2. Hello,

    We all loved having your wonderful children at Victory this past Sunday. My boys are ready to come down as soon as school is out up here.

    Take Care,
    Pastor Tommy


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