Friday, December 26, 2008

Hannah's NEW UNIQUE Haircut

When Charlene arrived home one afternoon, she was greeted at the door by Hannah, who was sporting her new I-did-it-all-by-myself haircut!!
She hardly left herself any bangs at all!
Must EVERY child mutilate themselves in this fashion??? :-p

(And Chris, who had stayed home to babysit her, had NO CLUE about what she'd done until the moment Char did!)


  1. Thank God hair grows!!!! It's not half as bad as my first brother-did-it-for-me, is it? :D

  2. well i can say i was a bit more risky than hannah.... wen i was like five i decided i would look good withought eye lashes thank god i didn't cut my eyelid with the sizors (forgive my spelling)

  3. well, hey, which is worse, cutting your own eyelashes, or cutting your sister's? I trimmed April's when i was about 8. I told her it was the latest style. :D It soon was in our house, but she was the only one wearing it! :p


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