Tuesday, November 4, 2008


October 23, 2008
It's 2:30 in the afternoon and we've had our first downpour after a morning of partly-cloudy skies.
Yesterday was the first break in the rain that we have had in over 10 days and probably last night was the first night that it did not rain all night long.
All this rain is an excess of our usual rainy season amount. There was a tropical storm (#16) that hugged the coastline and came on shore right here in Pena Blanca and before it had finished dousing rain on Honduras, another tropical disturbance, [D9L or some other high tech name :) ] began inundating the entire country!
The rivers have overflowed their banks and there is much flooding countrywide. People have been stranded on rooftops, left homeless by mudslides, have lost loved ones and all their belongings and are now beginning to get sick.
Those that have homes still standing but have water in them, have a great risk of getting sick as well due to the contamination from the sewage that combines with the water. Dengue Fever has claimed lots of lives this year already and with all the water will probably be more prevalent in the near future.

The bridge that we travel over to get to San Pedro Sula (the industrial capital of Honduras, the city where we do our grocery shopping when we need more than what the local shops have) was under water a few days ago.
Our fellow missionary, Tim Brechbill, left this morning to see if he could get there and we have not yet heard back from him.
We loaded a truck Tuesday with dry clothing and shoes we had available for distrubution to be taken to a village near Santa Cruz, which is near us and is flooded out. We don't have much to give, but as Brother Tim said yesterday, sometimes just talking and praying in Jesus' name and letting them know that we love them in The LORD means as much as if we had something physical to give.
The rivers are still rising in some areas. Please be praying that the people here will turn their hearts toward God in their time of geat need. Also, please be praying for us as we strive to show the love and compassion of Jesus. We'll update as soon as we get more pictures and more info.

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